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System of governmentUnitary presidential republic
V-Dem Electoral Democracy Index0.50/1
Head of State and Government (President)Patrice Talon (ind.)
GovernmentUP (centre-left)
BR (centre)

National Parliament


Union Progressiste (UP)
Progressist Union

Leader: Joseph Djogbénou
Orientation: Centre-left
Ideology: Social democracy, civic nationalism
Stance towards the government: In government
International affiliation: N/A

Bloc Républicain (BR)
Republican Bloc

Leader: Bio Tchané
Orientation: Centre
Ideology: Social-liberalism, social conservatism
Stance towards the government: In government
International affiliation: N/A

Force Cauris pour un Bénin émergent (FCBE)
Cowry Forces for an Emerging Benin

Leader: Janvier Yahouédéou
Orientation: Centre-right
Ideology: Classical liberalism, social conservatism
Stance towards the government: Extra-parliamentary opposition
International affiliation: N/A

Les Démocrates (LD)
The Democrats

Leader: Janvier Yahouédéou
Orientation: Centre
Ideology: Classical liberalism, supportive of a transition period
Stance towards the government: Extra-parliamentary opposition
International affiliation: N/A

Mouvement des Élites Engagées pour l’Émancipation du Bénin (MOELE-Bénin)
Movement of Elites Committed to the Emancipation of Benin

Leader: Jacques Ayadji
Orientation: Centre-left
Ideology: Social-liberalism, progressivism, economic protectionism
Stance towards the government: Support
International affiliation: N/A

Parti du Renouveau Démocratique (PRD)
Democratic Renewal Party

Leader: Adrien Houngbedji
Orientation: Liberal
Ideology: Social-liberalism, green politics
Stance towards the government: Support
International affiliation: N/A

Force Cauris pour le développment du Bénin (FCDB)
Cowry Forces for the Development of Benin

Leader: Soumanou Séibou Toléba
Orientation: Centre-right
Ideology: Economic liberalism, civic nationalism
Stance towards the government: Support
International affiliation: N/A