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São Tomé and Príncipe

System of governmentUnitary semi-presidential republic
V-Dem Electoral Democracy Index0.68/1
Head of State (President)Carlos Vila Nova (ADI, centre-right)
Head of Government (PM)Patrice Trovoada ( ADI, centre-right )
Parties in Government ADI, centre-right

National Parliament

Principe Regional Parliament


Movimento de Libertação de São Tomé e Príncipe – Partido Social Democrata (MLSTP-PSD)
Movement for the Liberation of São Tomé and Príncipe – Social Democratic Party

Leader: Jorge Bom Jesus
Orientation: Centre-left
Ideology: Social democracy
Stance towards the government: In government
International affiliation: Socialist International, Progressive Alliance

Acção Democrática Independente (ADI)
Independent Democratic Action

Leader: Patrice Trovoada
Orientation: Centre-right
Ideology: Economic liberalism, Christian democracy
Stance towards the government: Opposition
International affiliation: Centrist Democrat International

Movimento Cidadãos Independentes de São Tomé e Príncipe – Partido Socialista (MCI-PS)
Movement of Independent Citizens of São Tomé and Príncipe – Socialist Party

Leader: Antonio Monteiro
Orientation: Centre-left
Ideology: Democratic socialism
Stance towards the government: Opposition
International affiliation: Socialist International, Progressive alliance


Leader: Salvador Ramos
Orientation: *
Ideology: *
Stance towards the government: opposition
International affiliation: N/A

União para Mudança e Progresso do Príncipe (UMPP)
The Union for Change and Progress of Principe

Leader: Filipe Nascimento
Orientation: Regionalist
Ideology: Principe Island interest
Stance towards the government: Extraparliamentary opposition
International affiliation: N/A

Note: The UMPP is represented in the Regional Parliament of the Autonomous Region of Príncipe, where it holds an absolute majority.

Movimento Verde para o Desenvolvimento do Príncipe (MVDP)
Green Movement for the Development of Principe

Leader: Nestor Umbelina
Orientation: Green
Ideology: Green politics
Stance towards the government: Extraparliamentary opposition
International affiliation: N/A

Note: The MVDP is represented in the Regional Parliament of the Autonomous Region of Príncipe, where it is the main opposition

Partido de Convergencia Democratica – Grupa de Reflexão (PCD – GR)
Democratic Convergence Party-Reflection

Leader: Danilson Cotu
Orientation: Centre-right
Ideology: Liberalism
Stance towards the government: In government
National affiliation: N/A
International affiliation: N/A

União dos Democratas para Cidadania e Desenvolvimento (UDD)
Union of Democrats for Citizenship and Development

Leader: Carlos Neves
Orientation: Centre
Ideology: Centrism
Stance towards the government: In government
National affiliation: MDFM-UDD alliance
International affiliation: N/A

Movimento Democrático das Forças da Mudança-Partido Liberal (MDFM-PL)
The Force for Change Democratic Movement-Liberal Party

Leader: Tome Vera Cruz
Orientation: Liberal
Ideology: Liberalism
Stance towards the government: In government
National affiliation: MDFM-UDD alliance
International affiliation: N/A

Movimento Social Democrata – Partido Verde de São Tomé e Príncipe (MSD-PVSTP)
Social Democratic Movement – Green Party of São Tomé and Príncipe

Leader: Elsa Garrido
Orientation: Green
Ideology: Ecosocialism, social democracy
Stance towards the government: Extraparliamentary opposition
International affiliation: N/A