System of government | Unitary semi-presidential republic |
V-Dem Electoral Democracy Index | 0.31/1 |
Head of State (President) | Kaïs Saïed (independent, right-wing) |
Head of Government (PM) | Kamel Madouri (independent) |
Parties in Government | Non-partisan |
National Parliament

الحزب الدستوري الحر
al-ḥizb ad-dustūrī al-ḥurr
Parti destourien libre (PDL)
Free Destourian Party
Leader: عبير موسي (Abir Moussi)
Orientation: Right-wing
Ideology: Tunisian nationalism, secularism, anti-Islamism
Stance towards the government: Opposition
International affiliation: N/A

حركة النهضة
ḥarakat an-nahḍa
Mouvement Ennahda
Ennahda Movement
Leader: راشد الغنوشي (Rached Ghannouchi)
Orientation: Conservative
Ideology: Islamic democracy, social conservatism
Stance towards the government: Opposition
National affiliation: National Salvation Front (centre-left to Islamist)
International affiliation: N/A

قلب تونس (Qalb Tounes)
qalb tūnis
Au Cœur de la Tunisie
Heart of Tunisia
Leader: نبيل القروي (Nabil Karoui)
Orientation: Centre
Ideology: Third Way, secularism, populism
Stance towards the government: Opposition
National affiliation: National Salvation Front (centre-left to Islamist)
International affiliation: N/A

التيار الديمقراطي (Attayar)
at-tayyār ad-dīmuqrāṭī
Courant démocrate
Democratic Current
Leader: غازي الشواشي (Ghazi Chaouachi)
Orientation: Centre-left
Ideology: Social democracy, progressivism
Stance towards the government: Opposition
National affiliation: Coordination of Social Democratic Parties (left-wing to centre-left)
International affiliation: N/A

ائتلاف الكرامة (Al Karama)
iʾtilāf al-karāma
Coalition de la dignité
Dignity Coalition
Leader: سيف الدين مخلوف (Seifeddine Makhlouf)
Orientation: Islamist
Ideology: Islamism, conservatism, populism
Stance towards the government: Opposition
National affiliation: National Salvation Front (centre-left to Islamist)
International affiliation: N/A

آفاق تونس (Afek Tounes)
āfāq tūnis
Horizons de Tunisie
Horizons of Tunisia
Leader: فاضل عبد الكافي (Fadhel Abdelkefi)
Orientation: Liberal
Ideology: Liberalism, secularism, progressivism
Stance towards the government: Opposition
International affiliation: N/A

تحيا تونس (Tahya Tounes)
taḥyā tūnis
Vive la Tunisie
Long Live Tunisia
Leader: يوسف الشاهد (Youssef Chahed)
Orientation: Liberal
Ideology: Social liberalism, secularism, progressivism
Stance towards the government: Mixed
International affiliation: N/A

الاتحاد الشعبي الجمهوري
al-ittihād aš-šaʿbi al-jumhūri
Union populaire républicaine (UPR)
Republican People’s Union
Leader: لطفي المرايحي (Lotfi Mraïhi)
Orientation: Centre-right
Ideology: Liberal conservatism, secularism
Stance towards the government: Opposition
International affiliation: N/A

حزب الرحمة (Errahmah)
ḥizb ar-raḥma
Parti de la miséricorde
Party of Divine Mercy
Leader: سعيد الجزيري (Saïd Jaziri)
Orientation: Islamist
Ideology: Islamism, Salafism, ultra-conservatism
Stance towards the government: Opposition
International affiliation: N/A

مشروع تونس (Machrou Tounes)
mašrūʿ tūnis
Projet de la Tunisie
Tunisia Project
Leader: محسن مرزوق (Mohsen Marzouk)
Orientation: Liberal
Ideology: Economic liberalism, secularism, Tunisian nationalism
Stance towards the government: Opposition
International affiliation: N/A

نداء تونس (Nidaa Tounes)
nidāʾ tūnis
Appel de la Tunisie
Call of Tunisia
Leader: خميّس الجهيناوي (Khemaies Jhinaoui)
Orientation: Centre
Ideology: Third Way, secularism
Stance towards the government: Support
International affiliation: N/A

الحزب الجمهوري (Al Joumhouri)
al-ḥizb al-jumhūri
Parti Républicain
Republican Party
Leader: عصام الشابي (Issam Chebbi)
Orientation: Centre-left
Ideology: Social liberalism, secularism, progressivism
Stance towards the government: Opposition
National affiliation: Coordination of Social Democratic Parties (left-wing to centre-left)
International affiliation: N/A

حزب الأمل (Al Amal)
ḥizb al-amal
Parti d’Espoir
Hope Party
Leader: سلمى اللومي الرقيق (Selma Elloumi Rekik)
Orientation: Centre-right
Ideology: Liberal conservatism, secularism
Stance towards the government: Opposition
National affiliation: National Salvation Front (centre-left to Islamist)
International affiliation: N/A

المسار الديمقراطي الاجتماعي (Al Massar)
al-masār ad-dīmuqrāṭi al-ijtimāʿi
Voie démocratique et sociale
Social Democratic Path
Leader: أحمد إبراهيم (Ahmed Brahim)
Orientation: Centre-left
Ideology: Social democracy
Stance towards the government: Opposition
International affiliation: N/A

البديل التونسي (Al Badil)
al-badīl al-tūnisi
L’Alternative Tunisienne
Tunisian Alternative
Leader: مهدي جمعة (Mehdi Jomaa)
Orientation: Liberal
Ideology: Liberalism, economic liberalism
Stance towards the government: Mixed
International affiliation: N/A

حزب الراية الوطنية
ḥizb ar-rāyya al-waṭaniya
Parti du Étendard National
National Flag Party
Leader: مبروك كورشيد (Mabrouk Korchid)
Orientation: *
Ideology: Pan-Arabism, Arab nationalism
Stance towards the government: Opposition
International affiliation: N/A

التكتل الديمقراطي من أجل العمل والحريات (Ettakatol)
at-takattul ad-dīmuqrāṭī min ajl il-ʿamal wal-ḥurriyyāt
Forum démocratique pour le travail et les libertés
Democratic Forum for Labour and Liberties
Leader: خليل الزاوية (Khalil Zaouia)
Orientation: Centre-left
Ideology: Social democracy, secularism, progressivism
Stance towards the government: Opposition
National affiliation: Coordination of Social Democratic Parties (left-wing to centre-left)
International affiliation: Socialist International, Progressive Alliance, Party of European Socialists (affiliate party)

القطب الديمقراطي الحداثي (Al Qotb)
al-quṭb ad-dīmuqrāṭī al-ḥadāṯi
Pôle démocratique moderniste
Democratic Modernist Pole
Leader: رياض بن فضل (Riad Ben Fadl)
Orientation: Centre-left
Ideology: Social democracy, progressivism, secularism
Stance towards the government: Opposition
National affiliation: Coordination of Social Democratic Parties (left-wing to centre-left)
International affiliation: N/A

حزب الحراك (Harak)
ḥizb al-ḥarāk
Parti du mouvement
Movement Party
Leader: المنصف المرزوقي (Moncef Marzouki)
Orientation: Centre-left
Ideology: Social democracy, populism
Stance towards the government: Opposition
National affiliation: National Salvation Front (centre-left to Islamist)
International affiliation: N/A

حزب صوت الفلاحين
ḥizb sawt al-fallaḥīn
Parti Voix des agriculteurs (PVA)
Farmers’ Voice Party
Leader: فيصل التبيني (Faycel Tebbini)
Orientation: *
Ideology: Agrarianism
Stance towards the government: Mixed
International affiliation: N/A

الرابطة الخضرا
ar-rābiṭa al-xaḍra
Ligue verte
Green League
Leader: منصف رابحي (Moncef Rabhi)
Orientation: Green
Ideology: Green politics
Stance towards the government: Opposition
International affiliation: N/A