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System of governmentUnitary presidential republic
V-Dem Electoral Democracy Index0.43/1
Head of State (President)Muse Bihi Abdi (Kulmiye, liberal)
Parliamentary majorityWaddani (centre-left|conservative)
UCID (centre-left)

Although Somaliland has official contact with a few nations, the country remains unrecognised by the international community.

House of Representatives

House of Elders


Xisbiga Waddani (Waddani)
الحزب الوطني
al-ḥizb al-waṭani
Patriotic Party

Leader: Xirsi Cali Xaaji Xasan (Hersi Ali Haji Hassan)
Orientation: Centre-left|Conservative
Ideology: Social democracy, social conservatism, Islamic democracy
International affiliation: N/A

Xisbiga Kulmiye Nabad, Midnimo iyo Horumarka (Kulmiye)
حزب التضامن والسلام والوحدة والتنمية
ḥizb at-taḍāmun was-salām wal-wiḥda wat-tanmiya
Solidarity, Peace, Unity and Development Party

Leader: Muuse Biixi Cabdi (Muse Bihi Abdi)
Orientation: Liberal
Ideology: Social liberalism, moderate progressivism
International affiliation: Africa Liberal Network (observer)

Ururka Caddaalada iyo Daryeelka (UCID)
حزب العدالة والتنمية‎
ḥizb al-ʿadāla wat-tanmiya
Justice and Welfare Party

Leader: Faysal Cali Waraabe (Faysal Ali Warabe)
Orientation: Centre-left
Ideology: Social democracy
International affiliation: Socialist International (observer)