System of government | Unitary semi-presidential republic |
V-Dem Electoral Democracy Index | 0.36/1 |
Head of State (President) | Filipe Jacinto Nyusi (FRELIMO, centre-left) |
Head of Government (PM) | Adriano Maleiane (FRELIMO, centre-left) |
Parties in Government | FRELIMO (centre-left) |
National Parliament
Frente de Libertação de Moçambique (FRELIMO)
Liberation Front of Mozambique
Leader: Filipe Jacinto Nyusi
Orientation: Centre-left
Ideology: Social democracy
Stance towards the government: In government
International affiliation: Socialist International
Resistência Nacional Moçambicana (RENAMO)
Mozambican National Resistance
Leader: Ossufo Momade
Orientation: Conservative
Ideology: Social conservatism
Stance towards the government: Opposition
International affiliation: Democrat Union of Africa, Centrist Democrat International
Movimento Democrático de Moçambique (MDM)
Democratic Movement of Mozambique
Leader: Lutero Simango
Orientation: Centre-right
Ideology: Christian democracy
Stance towards the government: Opposition
International affiliation: Centrist Democrat International
Partido Otimista pelo Desenvolvimento de Moçambique (PODEMOS)
Optimist Party for the Development of Mozambique
Leader: Hélder Mendonça
Orientation: Centre-left | left-wing
Ideology: Democratic socialism, left-wing populism
Stance towards the government: Opposition
International affiliation: N/A